Q&A: Wastewater Murder Mystery Book

Q&A: Wastewater Murder Mystery Book


Mon, 2020-02-24 12:58

By Line
By Cristina Tuser

WWD Associate Editor Cristina Tuser interviewed John Seldon, B.Sc., M.A., who has a 48-year wastewater treatment career and recently released a wastewater murder mystery book, “Murder in the Primary.” 

Q&A: Wastewater Murder Mystery Book
About The Author

John Seldon, B.Sc., M.A., has a 48-year wastewater treatment career that includes both the public and private sectors, starting in 1972 with the Ministry of the Environment of Ontario’s research and development division in 1972. Seldon writes and speaks on optimizing dewatering residuals as well as the need for wastewater operators to be certified professional technologists. Seldon can be reached at

Q&A: Wastewater Murder Mystery Book
Author: admin

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