
Hydraulic Institute announces circulator pump energy ratings

The Hydraulic Institute (HI) has announced the availability of Circulator Energy Rating labels which appear on circulator pumps and help HVAC professionals understand and quantify the benefits of advanced technology and on-board controls.

Circulator Energy Rating labels are only applied to the most efficient circulator pumps in the market. In addition, with the Circulator Energy Rating label and database, utilities and energy efficiency programme administrators can streamline rebate programmes for the selection of energy efficient circulators. 

The Energy Rating label enables the comparison of selected circulator pumps based on average power consumption. It can be used to estimate the power savings or to estimate and compare the power savings of multiple circulator pumps. When looking to replace a circulator pump, for example, selecting a labelled pump can achieve up to 80% power savings compared to a traditional circulator.

This is made possible by replacing traditional motors with advanced ECM motors which also include integrated variable speed control, allowing the circulator to adjust the system requirements by speeding up or slowing down to meet demand.

Michael Michaud, executive director, Hydraulic Institute, said: “Informative Energy Rating labels make it easy to identify a pump’s energy performance and opportunity for energy savings. As the industry strives for more energy-efficient solutions and to make a substantial impact toward sustainability targets, implementing the right pump technology is critical.”



Hydraulic Institute announces circulator pump energy ratings
Author: admin

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