A Smart Solution for a Small-Scale Hydroelectric Power Project

A Smart Solution for a Small-Scale Hydroelectric Power Project


April 15, 2022

By Line
By Asad Choudry

The U.S. Department of Energy has identified small, low-head dams as a significant source of potential renewable energy generation.

A Smart Solution for a Small-Scale Hydroelectric Power Project
About The Author

Asad Choudry is Director of Product Management for Flygt Great & Grey Pumps & HydroTurbines with Xylem. He has more than 19 years of experience within applications, product and project management disciplines with various pump-technology organizations. Asad holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with a specialization in Aerospace from Hofstra University with a profound interest in innovative technology and digital solutions. He is considered an expert for pumps and condition monitoring systems within wastewater and stormwater.

Company Reference
A Smart Solution for a Small-Scale Hydroelectric Power Project
Author: admin

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