Vertiflo offers vertical immersion sump pumps

The Vertiflo Pump Company’s Series 800 is designed for applications which include sump drainage, flood control and process drainage and meets EPA and OSHA requirements.
The pumps have heads to 230 ft and can operate in temperatures up to 350° F, pit depths of up to 26 ft at up to 3,000 gpm. Other features include carbon graphite line shaft bearings, a semi-open impeller with external adjustment, a high-thrust angular contact ball bearing, 416 stainless steel shafts from 1–15/16 in and a standard NEMA C face motor.
In addition, the company’s Series 700 sewage ejector pumps are designed for industrial wastes, sanitary wastes, process wastes, rendering wastes and pollution control. They have heads to 100 ft, pit depths up to 26 ft at up to 1500 gpm and have a cast iron construction.