BPMA enjoys substantial growth in online training

The British Pump Manufacturers Association’s (BPMA) Introduction to Pumping Technology E-learning training course has seen a substantial increase in enrolments since July 2020.
Since its creation, some 7 years ago, the course has always enjoyed good levels of enrolment, averaging between 45 and 55 students annually. However, since July 2020, there have been over 100 students sign up for this online training.
This significant increase could, in part, be down to Covid-19 and its enforced homeworking for many, although the Joint Industry Board’s (JIB) recommendation of this course for pump installers, as a route to securing their CSCS Blue Cards, will also have helped. Additionally, many people within the industry are now seeing the value of this training course and what it offers to both the individuals concerned and their employers.
The interest is not limited to the UK. There has always been engagement from some overseas students, primarily those from English-speaking countries, but the last few months has seen a noticeable increase in non-UK participants, including four students from Australian pump companies.
To find out more about this and other BPMA training course, contact Steve Smith, operations manager at the BPMA on s.smith@bpma.org.uk.