Amarinth appoints new agent in Asia Pacific region

Amarinth is strengthening its position in the Asia Pacific market through an agency agreement with Malaysia’s Bumi Wangsa TMS Sdn Bhd.
Bumi Wangsa provides equipment and services to the oil and gas industry. Global clients include Petronas, Shell, ExxonMobil and BP.
The UK pump company will work closely with Bumi Wangsa to focus on extending the life of existing offshore and onshore brownfield assets within the Asia Pacific oil and gas industry through a pump replacement, repair and modification programme.
Amarinth will supply new API 610 horizontal, vertical and in-line vertical centrifugal pumps to replace existing, often obsolete, end-of-life pumps. Where possible, new pumps will be hydraulically and dimensionally interchangeable with the old ones reducing installation, pipework and downtime costs.
If replacement is not required, then Amarinth, in partnership with Bumi Wangsa, can undertake repair and modification of most existing pumps, regardless of the original equipment manufacturer.
“We are delighted to announce this partnership with Bumi Wangsa which further underlines Amarinth’s depth of support for the Asia Pacific region,” said Amarinth’s Malaysia sales manager Dzairel Yusuff. “Despite the global Covid-19 pandemic, we have seen a strong growth in orders across the region for our products, including offshore rigs, floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels, floating liquified natural gas (FLNG) vessels, and onshore processing plants.”